Sunday, October 29, 2006

David 7 1/2 months

Here are a few recent pictures of David. He's 7 1/2 months now and is growing bigger every day! Weighing in at 22 lbs, 31 inches, he's certainly not the runt of the litter. He's quickly catching up to big brother Harrison in size. He's got a great appetite and is very interested in whatever we are eating. He's been caught trying to swipe pork chops off of his brothers plate and even stole his bread another time. Today we caught him eating wood pellets. I try to keep the floors as clean as I can, but if there is something obscure anywhere in his reach, he'll find and try to eat it. The side rails on the crib are another one of his favorites. We love our chubby bubby!!
The last picture is one of him in his Halloween outfit. I think we'll have to go with something else as he wasn't real happy about being dressed up like a chicken. I'm sure he'll thank me for it when he's a teenager and I bring out these pictures....


At 11:38 AM, Blogger Tracey, Peter, Ava, Leah & Hudson said...

Too cute!!! HE seems as happy as Ava in her purple dragon costume!


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