Friday, November 17, 2006

A visit to Nannie and Grampie Shannon's

Here are a few shots taken over the past couple of weeks of visits to Nannie and Grampie Shannon's. We love to visit as it means supper for Mom and help getting them bathed and in their PJ's. Harrison gets to go on tractor rides, golf cart rides and is a great help mowing the lawn. David usually stays inside with the women and chases Maggie around in his walker.The two boys had a sleepover last Saturday as Mom went to the US for a night away. This week we visited Wednesday night for supper. Auntie Sheri was there too and had fun playing with her nephews.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Trick or Treat

Trevor's birthday is on Halloween, so this year we celebrated by having a little party. He turned 35 so it was a big day/ weekend in our house. He dressed as a hippie and I was a mummy. A few friends came over and we managed to get a couple of pics between drinks.
On Tuesday, Harrison went out as a monkey and David as Tigger. We tried David in a chicken outfit, but he was not happy with our choice and was very vocal about it. I tried him a horse outfit that Harrison wore last year, but he tried to chew his way out of it and ended up with a mouthful of fuzz. The last resort was a Tigger costume that Nannie Shannon bought for him. There were no tears with this one so Tigger it was. We made a few stops on our trick or treating run, the first was a visit to see Nannie & Grampie Shannon. Next we visited Auntie Sheri then Trevor took them to visit his friends, Tim & Colleen Brown. We finished the evening by visiting our neighbors. Who would have thought a two year old and a seven month old could score so much loot??!!