Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Splish Splash!

If ever a baby boy loved his bath, it's got to be David!! No matter what his demeanor, a scrub down in the tub always sparks a smile and some giggles!!

Future Pilot?

Future Pilot?

On a recent outing to the mall, Harrison discovered an airplane outside the store we were heading for. There was no way out of this one, he was getting in that plane for a ride and that was that. The laughing and the ear to ear grin made up for the tears!

Hangin' in the crib

With the weather being as cold as it's been, many of us opt to stay inside in the warmth of our cozy homes, and PJ's. Saturday was officially declared Pajama Day in the Gilks' household.
Harrison and David were playing in David's room while I picked up clothes and made beds. Here are a few shots of them enjoying PJ day. Harrison was also lending a helping hand to baby brother by holding his bottle for him. What a nice big brother!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Hard at work

It's never too early to put the little ones to work....I sent Harrison out with Trevor today to shovel the driveway. He was more than happy to lend a helping hand! It was a win-win for everyone, David and I got to lay down for a bit, Harrison got to use his brand new shovel Santa brought him and Trevor got some help.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Holiday 2006

The holidays are officially over! It seems every year they come and go even quicker than the last. As nice as Christmas is, sometimes it's even nicer to return to the ho-hum of daily life. Not that there is a lot of ho-hummin' in our daily routine, but getting the kids back on their regular schedule, getting back to the gym and back to the normal grind of life in the Gilks' household is very welcome. Christmas was busy, three houses in one day, lots of gifts and excitement and tons of yummy food. We spent Christmas night in Blissfield and I was even brave enough to take the kids to Sussex for a night by myself.

Harrison left for Blissfield on Monday to visit Gram and Papa Amos for a few days. He was testing out new presents he received for xmas. He got a big boy bed to sleep in at their house and a Sno-Asorous! ( a new sled to those of you who might not know what that is...lol) The boys also got a new wagon, which they really enjoyed. Nannie and Grampie Shannon got him a new tricycle, but he's not quite big enough for it yet. Not that it stopped him from testing it out - a few face plants later we decided it would be best to put it away until the spring. He also got new skates and a helmet. He's absolutely fascinated with hockey and we are very anxious to get him out on the ice.

David got lots of new presents too for Christmas, but he wasn't as excited about them as his big brother was. He was however, very intrigued by the ribbons and bows and found them to be a wonderful appetizer. He did like the wagon almost as well as Harrison did, but got a bit fussy when Harrison bear hugged him to keep him stable on the ride. He also started daycare this week. So far so good, the girls think he is a doll. A full-time spot opened for January so we had to take it or wait until September for the next one. Boo hoo boo hoo, this means I have to go back to work in February instead of March. I'm racking my brains trying to figure out a way to make enough cash to justify staying home for another month, but I'm coming up empty. If anyone has any suggestions, (other than internet porn as someone suggested) please indulge me!

Trevor is keeping busy laying floors. He didn't get much of a break over Christmas as the flooring business was quite busy. He did mange to get a couple of days to spend with us and we all enjoyed having Dada around. He was as excited as Harrison to get a boot load of power tools. It think the tool thing with men is like shoes and purses with women - you can never have enough!

Hope everyone had a great holiday and best wishes for a successful 2007!

Sonya, Trevor, Harrison and David

PS - As a follow up to the last post, better judgement prevailed and we didn't put a Christmas tree up. The picture I have posted is of Harrison trying to get at my Mom's tree.